Being grateful for an unknown artist’s gift

It was not quite winter yet, but the last leaf had fallen.

Behind the tangled network of branches was the wall, its brick courses showing the ravages of many a harsh season.

I passed that way often paying little attention to what had become familiar. However, on one of those warmer fall days when the sun was shining and the air breathless with intent the transformation was thrust upon me.

In the time between when I had been there before and now the space had changed. Gone was the boring repetition of brown bricks. Instead there were colours covering the wall. In formless patches, yes, but in colours. They were arresting enough to literally stop me in my tracks to admire the work of some anonymous person: some self-effacing artist who had had the gumption to effect the change.

I did not have my camera with me at the time. It mattered not, though. There was no question the mural would last for a while, and I would be back with the camera. And I was, at several times and seasons.

After these many years the mural has weathered. Its glory has faded.

I remember, though, the pleasant surprise of encountering it the first time. I still wonder why and by whom it was created. There is no question it made my day and has since delighted all who have passed by.

So, from me, a very belated “Thank You!.”

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